Advertising on the search network is essentially advertising within Google’s search results after a user performs a specific query (query = search term, for example: “locksmith in New York”).

Paid advertising is the simpler and quicker option among the two options for advertising on Google, typically aimed at businesses at the beginning of their journey who want to ‘feel’ the world of Google advertising and see if it brings them the expected results.

The paid promotion on Google operates through Google’s advertising system called ADWORDS, where we (the advertisers) select precisely under which keywords we want to appear and in what ranking we want to position ourselves.

In the ADWORDS system, we enter the texts of the ads to be displayed, the areas we want to advertise in, the hours the campaign will be active, and many more segmentation options we use to find the most relevant audience for our business.

Beyond the paid search results, Google also offers another option for advertising, which is in the media network.

Media network advertising, also known as banner advertising, is displayed across the web, whether on sites like Yahoo, YouTube, CNN, BBC, and many others. We usually use the media network for sectors where we want to find the user after they’ve searched and visited our site. This action is called remarketing, where we essentially track the user after they’ve visited our site and advertise to them again.

Our work process

Precise exposure, savvy marketing, and goal setting. With us, you’ll reach your destination!


Research keywords and the market for the service or product you want to market


Building a strategy and learning the target audience for the product or service we market for you.


Implementing all the research we have done and carrying out a campaign to bring leads and increase the sales of your business

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By analyzing your business data, we will find the exact target audience for you
We will reach him and turn him into a regular and satisfied customer.

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Precise exposure, savvy marketing, and goal setting. With us, you'll reach your destination!